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Lolita – 1962: A Timeless Classic

Décès de Sue Lyon, la Lolita de Stanley Kubrick
Décès de Sue Lyon, la Lolita de Stanley Kubrick from www.lefigaro.fr

Lolita is a 1962 movie adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov’s novel of the same name. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, it stars James Mason as Humbert Humbert and Sue Lyon as Dolores Haze. The movie was controversial at the time of its release due to its subject matter, which involves a middle-aged man’s obsession with a young girl. Despite this, the movie has gained cult status and is often hailed as a classic.

The movie follows Humbert Humbert, a British professor living in the United States. He is obsessed with young girls, a fixation that he describes as a “maniacal obsession.” He rents a room from Charlotte Haze, a widow, in order to be closer to her daughter, Dolores, more commonly known as Lolita. Humbert quickly becomes infatuated with Lolita and begins a relationship with her, which is complicated by Charlotte’s interference. Meanwhile, Lolita is dealing with her own issues, as she is caught in between her infatuation with Humbert and her desire to be with her crush, a boy her own age.

The movie is noteworthy for its mature themes and subtle characterization. Kubrick’s direction is impeccable, as he manages to capture the nuances of the characters’ relationships and inner turmoil. Mason’s performance as Humbert is particularly noteworthy, as he manages to make the character sympathetic in spite of his questionable actions. Sue Lyon is also excellent as Lolita, portraying the character’s innocence, naivete, and confusion with aplomb.


One of the main themes of the movie is the power of obsession and how it can consume an individual’s life. Humbert’s obsession with Lolita is portrayed as an all-consuming one and it is clear that it has taken over his life. His obsession has a detrimental effect on his relationship with Charlotte, as well as Lolita, as he fails to see the damage that he is causing. The movie also touches upon the theme of maturity and how it can affect one’s relationships. Lolita is a young girl who is caught in between wanting to act her age and being drawn to Humbert’s maturity, while Humbert is stuck in a perpetual state of immaturity due to his obsession.


The movie is characterized by its black-and-white cinematography and its use of jump-cuts. The jump-cuts are used to emphasize the characters’ inner turmoil, as well as the passage of time. The movie is also notable for its use of music, which is often used to highlight the characters’ emotions. The score was composed by Nelson Riddle and it was praised for its use of jazz and classical music.


Lolita is considered to be a classic of film and literature. The movie has been praised for its mature themes and subtle characterization. It has been the subject of numerous essays and scholarly works and is often used as a reference point in discussions of art and cinema. The movie has been selected for preservation in the National Film Registry and has been hailed as one of the greatest movies of all time.


Lolita is a timeless classic that has been hailed for its mature themes and subtle characterization. It is an important work of art that continues to be studied and discussed to this day. The movie has gained cult status and is often referenced by those discussing the art of cinema. It is a must-watch for those looking to explore the depths of human emotion and relationships.